The stated goal of Islam is world domination. The seeds to achieve this are political and lie in the foundational doctrine itself, whether or not it is the personal goal of an individual.
To deny that Allah's religion is to be followed by the entire world is apostacy and the ‘ugliest form of unbelief’– kufr (i) Mohammed said “I have been commanded to fight against people till they testify that there is no god but Allah, that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah…”
Islamic doctrine is found in the Koran and Hadith and describes the ‘ordained way’ Muslims are supposed to adhere to: this is Sharia (Koran 45:18).
Because instructions pertaining to almost every facet of life are described in the Koran and Hadith, and because Muslims are obliged to conform to this if possible – every demand for Sharia that is conceded to by non-Islamic countries means that Muslims must now utilize it if they can.
Even though a 2004 UK Study (ii) found that ‘75% of Muslims were indifferent to shari’a finance’, once there is a Sharia alternative, Muslims who may have been perfectly happy with their conventional mortgage, nail polish, or brand of peanut butter will now be pressured by entities within the ‘ummah’ – the global community of Islam - to select the Islamic option (iii).
Believing this to be a ‘good thing’ many non-Muslims will also happily participate, eating halal food, donating to Islamic charities or investing in ‘Islamic ethical finance’, which are Sharia compliant, and thereby aid in the expansion of Sharia.
In addition to this, the halal industry contributes to an Islamic tax of 2.5% called ‘zakat’ - often referred to as an Islamic ‘charity’. The seventh category of zakat is to finance jihad, which Sharia describes as a ‘communal obligation’. (Koran 9:60)
What about Darura?
There is another way – ‘Darura’ – ‘necessity overcomes obligation’ or ‘necessity makes the forbidden permissible’. Darura is frequently practiced in non-Islamic countries and is consistent with Islamic doctrine.
If halal fingernail polish, Islamic swim schedules at the rec centre, Sharia approved insurance, or mortgages are not available – then darura applies and a Muslim is free to choose the non-Sharia alternatives.
Mohammed said "Indeed Allah gathered the earth for me so that I saw its east and its west. And surely my Ummah's authority shall reach over all that was shown to me of it…”
Perhaps acceding to ongoing demands for Sharia compliance of all kinds, is not being kind to Muslims, or non-Muslims after all?
(i) Sharia, Reliance of the Traveller (Apostacy) o8.0, o8.7, o8.7 (7, 20), o9.1, o9.4, w.4.3, Nuh Ha Mim Keller, Amana Publications 2015
(ii) Sookhdeo, Dr. Patrick ‘Understanding Shari’a Finance’ Isaac Publishing, 2008 p.78-79
(iii) Fatah, Tarek, Toronto Sun June 22, 2019
Hadith (Bukhari 3167)
Hadith (Tirmidhi 2176)
Hadith (Ibn Majah 3952)
Hadith (Bukhari 3167)
Hadith (Muslim 22)
Hadith (Muslim 2889a)
Hadith (Buhari 335)
Koran 45:18
Koran 16: 115
Koran 39:53
‘Shari’ah Standards’ The Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Finance 2017, Section 35 (9) p 896
Ibrahim, Abraham, Gatestone Institute Aug 14, 2023
Oxford Reference (darura):
Brill Encyclopedia (darura):
University of Exeter (darura):
Darura to perform jihad 1:15
Photo credit: Porapak Apichodilok