“We didn’t know, we didn’t know…” the woman was crying and kept repeating herself. She had just exited Dachau, the Nazi concentration camp where tens of thousands of Jews were ‘exterminated’. (1)
I was only 20 yrs. old at the time and in a bit of shock myself having just come from the same place. I think she saw the Canadian flag on my packsack and felt compelled to speak. The horrors of the holocaust were there for all the world to see and she felt ashamed because she had been part of it. Official apologies were eventually forthcoming (2)(3) but for those who died it was too little, and too late.
Most people know about the Nazis but do not know about Hitler’s collaboration with al Husseini, the grand mufti of Jerusalem, still smarting from fall of the Ottoman Empire and anxious to eliminate the Jews. (4)(5) But while Hitler committed suicide and other Germans faced prosecution at the Nuremberg Trials of 1946, "...Arab leaders continued their anti-Jewish and Islamist policies unimpeded after the end of the war: al-Kailani until 1965 and al-Husseini until 1974. Outside of Israel, Nazism had hardly been delegitimized in the Middle East, and its adherents often came to power after the war ended." (6)
Following WWII, hundreds of thousands of Jews resident in what were now Islamic states suffered persecution and expulsion - many went to Israel – the ancestral home of the Jews. (7) Today, this is being questioned – who has a moral right to this little strip of land?
Going back to the most historic documentation that exists on this subject, consider that the word ‘Jerusalem’ is found in the Judeo/Christian Bible (old and new testaments) over 800 times; in the Koran, uttered by Mohammed a full six centuries after the birth of Christ - only seven, and every one of those is added after the fact, for example Mohammed’s ‘night journey’ to the ‘farthest mosque (Jerusalem)’. (8) (9) Some translations specify the ‘al-Masjid al-Aqsa’ mosque in Jerusalem which did not even exist at the time. (Koran 17:1) This ‘night journey’ was experienced by Mohammed in a dream without ever having left his bed and yet Islam lays claim to not one, not two, but three holy sites. (10) Mecca, Medina and Jerusalem as well.
Now even though the belief systems of those lands conquered and colonized by Islam over the centuries originally included Buddhists, Zoroastrians, Christians and Jews; with the exception of Israel, those lands are all currently under Islamic law – sharia. Jews and others who fled Islamic states hoping for safety and security in Israel, since 1992 have been required to build a ‘safe room’ in their homes even there. (11)
Isn’t the war in Israel today nothing more than a continuation of the grand jihad that has been waged against Jews in this region for the last 70 years, only growing stronger with the billions of dollars in aid that has been so tragically abused by those living in Gaza owing to a complete unwillingness to co-exist with the Jews? (12)
The ’Palestine cause’ has long been utilized by the Muslim Brotherhood and is mentioned several times in ‘The Project’ a document that dates back four decades and was received as evidence in the 2008 ‘Holy Land Foundation Trial’:
“Point of Departure 11: To adopt the Palestinian cause as part of a worldwide Islamic plan, with the policy plan and by means of jihad, since it acts as the keystone of the renaissance of the Arab world today.” (13)
The Muslim Brotherhood is not only credited as the source of the Hamas Charter but also with founding the Muslim Student Association in the United States in 1963. (14) Article Two of the Hamas charter begins with the line: The Islamic Resistance Movement is a branch of the Muslim Brotherhood chapter in Palestine. (15)
Meanwhile, this week, Ireland, Spain and Norway have decided to stand with Hamas’ jihad against Israel and urged other European countries to do the same. (16) These countries say they recognize ‘Palestine’ and a two state solution heedless of the fact that all Jewish families were evacuated from Gaza twenty years ago, leaving behind $14 million worth of Greenhouses - gifting to the Gazans what had been a highly successful business. The greenhouses were promptly looted and destroyed (17) and rather than the Shangri-la that Gaza could have been, billions of dollars in aid has been spent in building tunnels and continuing the effort to eliminate Israel altogether. (18)
Today, there are calls for a European caliphate in Germany and the U.K. – will the authorities in Ireland, Spain and Norway support that as well? (19)(20)(21) After all, at one time, Spain was also conquered and fell under “strict sharia, marked by discrimination against non-Muslims and subjugation of women”. (22) Sharia permits neither equality before the law nor freedom of religion. (Bukhari 304; 6922)
Koran 13:41 Have they not seen that We set upon the land, reducing it from its borders? And Allah decides; there is no adjuster of His decision. And He is swift in account.
Koran 9:29 Fight against those who believe not in Allah, nor in the Last Day, nor forbid that which has been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger and those who acknowledge not the religion of truth (i.e. Islam) among the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians), until they pay the Jizyah with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.
It would seem that history is repeating itself. In the 1930s the Nazi party gained control of the media and schools, no one dared to speak out against them, critics were silenced. People were encouraged to report dissenters and even school children – the ‘Hitler Jungen’ – reported on their parents. (23)
We’re not far off that now. Politicians are being pressured (24) and campuses are awash with young Hamas/’Palestine’ supporters chanting slogans to champion a ‘cause’ that they have no real understanding of. (25) The resemblance to the Third Reich is chilling. (26)(27)(28) Why do non-Islamic countries allow it? (29)
(1) Holocaust Encyclopedia: https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/dachau
(2) Deutsche Welle News: https://www.dw.com/en/holocaust-remembrance-in-germany-a-changing-culture/a-47203540
(3) L.A. Times: https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1990-04-12-mn-1752-story.html
(4) Israel Times: https://www.timesofisrael.com/full-official-record-what-the-mufti-said-to-hitler/
(5) Rubin B., Scwhwanitz W.G.,’ Nazis, Islamists, and the Making of the Modern Middle East’ Yale University Press 2014
(6) Tablet Magazine: https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/amin-al-husseini-nazi-concentration-camp
(7) Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Expulsions_and_exoduses_of_Jews
(8) Jerusalem in Bible: https://www.biblegateway.com/quicksearch/?quicksearch=jerusalem&version=NIV
(9) Jerusalem in Koran: https://legacy.quran.com/search?q=jerusalem+
(10) ) Guillaume, Alfred. 'The Life of Muhammad: a Translation of Ishaq’s Sirat Rasul Allah' (#265 p.183) Oxford University Press, 1967 https://archive.org/details/GuillaumeATheLifeOfMuhammad/page/n3/mode/2up
(11) CNN News https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/11/middleeast/israel-kibbutz-survivors-barricade-intl-hnk/index.html
(12) AP News 2021: https://apnews.com/article/business-middle-east-israel-foreign-aid-gaza-strip-611b2b90c3a211f21185d59f4fae6a90
(13) Investigative Archives: https://www.investigativeproject.org/documents/687-the-muslim-brotherhood-project.pdf
(14) Muslim Student Association: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muslim_Students_Association
(15) Hamas Charter – Article 2: https://israeled.org/resources/documents/hamas-charter-islamic-resistance-movement-palestine/
(16) Reuters: https://www.reuters.com/world/what-did-ireland-norway-spain-announce-palestinian-state-2024-05-23/
(17) NBC News 2005 https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna9331863
(18) Tunnels: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_tunnel_warfare_in_the_Gaza_Strip
(19) New York Post: https://nypost.com/2024/04/29/world-news/protesters-call-for-islamic-state-in-germany-caliphate-is-the-solution/
(20) Video: Protesters call for caliphate in London
(21) Norway, survey: https://www.trtworld.com/europe/is-the-far-right-growing-in-norway-12730328
(22) Fernandez-Morera, Dario ‘The Myth of the Andalusian Paradise, Muslims, Christians, and Jews under Islamic Rule in Medieval Spain’ ISI Books 2016
(23) This Day in History: https://www.history.com/news/how-the-hitler-youth-turned-a-generation-of-kids-into-nazis
(24) Australia News: https://www.theepochtimes.com/world/muslim-website-rates-mps-on-their-support-for-palestine-5627536
(25) Fox News: https://www.foxnews.com/video/6340901665112
(26) Netherlands video – school children: https://www.bitchute.com/video/bdIE4tluIzSc/
(27) CTV News: https://edmonton.ctvnews.ca/former-alberta-human-rights-commission-chief-to-sue-province-over-dismissal-1.6072526
(28) New Brunswick News: https://thecjn.ca/news/fredericton-major-crimes-unit-antisemitism/
(29) Substack: https://perspectivesonislam.substack.com/p/whats-happening-with-islamic-influence
Koran 17:1 https://legacy.quran.com/17/1
Koran 13:41 https://legacy.quran.com/13/41
Koran 4:12 https://legacy.quran.com/4/12
Koran 9:29 https://legacy.quran.com/9/29
Hadith (Nasai 4059) https://sunnah.com/nasai:4059
Hadith (Bukhari 6922) https://sunnah.com/bukhari:6922
Hadith (Bukhari 304) https://sunnah.com/bukhari:304
Hadith (Muslim 2889a) https://sunnah.com/muslim:2889a
1941 Photo credit: https://www.timesofisrael.com/full-official-record-what-the-mufti-said-to-hitler/
Thank you Elaine for your clarification of the noted historical facts. Clear and present danger.
Islamists and their fellow traveling leftist are threatening our democracy while our political class is either in concert with this insanity or completely asleep.
Our country and liberties are at high risk. Only need to look at much of Europe for evidence of the trajectory.